Featured Topics
A Palestinian Jerusalemite takes stock of Israel’s latest clampdown on the West Bank.
With each passing day, Jerusalem is getting harder to reach for Palestinians outside the city.
The black hole of blacklisting: How Palestinians with PA IDs get wholly banned from Jerusalem with one click on the keyboard
Bit by bit, Israel is attempting to alter the facts on the ground at Bab al-Rahma.
What is happening at al-Aqsa Mosque under cover of war?
Health impacts of living “on the frontier”
She saw a need—inadequate emergency services for Palestinians—and in addressing it found her mission in life.
The right to medical treatment and even to relieve oneself are compromised by Israeli checkpoints, especially when extended closures are enforced.
An eighth grader recounts his week in an Israeli prison
Psychological pressures for Jerusalem’s Palestinians are intense, but those who seek treatment can be helped.
One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson
Palestine’s first agricultural school was abloom with promise and potential.
A legal expert and statesman, developer, reformer, and critical thinker
A Palestinian Jerusalemite takes stock of Israel’s latest clampdown on the West Bank.
A community mourns an intellectual giant who centered his life’s work around the Palestinian cause and people
A legal expert and statesman, developer, reformer, and critical thinker
Yet another means of grabbing Palestinian homes in Jerusalem comes to light.
A view of Jerusalem, not as a symbol of religiosity and conflict, but rather as a living city. A book review.
Palestine’s first agricultural school was abloom with promise and potential.
Residents of a targeted neighborhood wait in dread for the bulldozers
The go-to place for halaweh in the Old City
Psychological pressures for Jerusalem’s Palestinians are intense, but those who seek treatment can be helped.
Before 1948, Jerusalem was not split between an “East” and a “West.” Rather, a cosmopolitan, multiethnic New City grew organically out of the Old City.
A conversation with Adalah’s legal director, Suhad Bishara, about Israel’s plan to relegate the Salah al-Din Street commercial district to irrelevance
From 1967 to 1993, successive Israeli governments laid the foundations for an expanding settlement enterprise to Judaize Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Israel’s settlements in and around Jerusalem take the shape of three rings that contribute to Judaizing the city and fragmenting its Palestinian communities.
An interactive map of Israel’s “Jerusalem and Her Daughters” plan
Where is Jerusalem? The answer is a lot more complex and unclear than you might think.
Opening minds and spaces for creativity to take seed and grow
How the New City came to an abrupt and violent end
Twenty years on, Israel’s Separation Wall has wholly reconfigured the geopolitical fabric of Jerusalem and its hinterland, shattering Palestinian communities, families, and lives.
Matthew Teller’s biography of Jerusalem’s Old City offers history as well as the lived experience of today’s Palestinian residents. A book review.
Israel is ramping up the settlement of land title (SOLT) in East Jerusalem, dispossessing Palestinians and Judaizing the city.
Israel’s new right-wing governing coalition is accelerating settlement construction in and widely around East Jerusalem, expediting its Judaization.