Feature Story

Feature Story Palestinian Officials Warn: Efforts to Establish a Synagogue at al-Haram al-Sharif Are Intensifying

Bit by bit, Israel is attempting to alter the facts on the ground at Bab al-Rahma.

Feature Story Israel Bars Access to Foreign Muslims Wanting to Perform Morning Prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque

Muslim tourists dream of praying at al-Aqsa Mosque, but upon arrival, they are discovering that some prayer times are off limits under Israel’s rules.

Feature Story Soar Over Those Pesky Palestinians’ Heads: Government-Funded Settler Zip Line Opens in Jerusalem

A new zip line gives tourists and Israelis another way to avoid seeing or visiting Jerusalem’s Palestinian neighborhoods.

Feature Story Israel Fast-Tracks New West Bank Settlement, Its First in Years, on Ancient Battir Lands, Southwest of Jerusalem

A newly approved settlement southwest of Jerusalem would drive a stake through the heart of any future Palestinian state.

Feature Story Israel to Advance Nearly 7,000 Settlement Units in East Jerusalem

Accelerated settlements push threatens to sever Jerusalem’s southern flank from its Palestinian hinterland.

Feature Story Settlers Fail at Brazen Attempt to Seize Historic Khalidi Home

Khalidi family wins rare court decision against settlers, but what does it portend?