Israel tried to ingest the neighborhood and, over time, regurgitate its residents—with only partial success.
A collaboration becomes a symbiosis.
Jerusalem’s Holy Basin is a microcosm of Israel’s settler-colonial agenda in the city and the country.
How a large and significant urban population of Palestinians is shut out of decision-making about their collective needs.
The Status Quo agreement on Jerusalem’s holy sites, enacted in the Ottoman era, seeks to prevent conflict between religious groups. Increasingly, it is being violated.
From 1967 to 1993, successive Israeli governments laid the foundations for an expanding settlement enterprise to Judaize Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Israel froze modern LSR in East Jerusalem in 1967. In 2018, it reversed this policy in an open attempt to strengthen its sovereignty over the contested area.
An overview of the labyrinthine status of land in East Jerusalem and its implications
Israel’s settlements in and around Jerusalem take the shape of three rings that contribute to Judaizing the city and fragmenting its Palestinian communities.