Jerusalem Story - The City Retold

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Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem?

Palestinians comprise nearly half the population of Jerusalem and have built, and shaped, the city for centuries, yet their stories are rarely told.

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Spiritual and Religious Life

For centuries, Jerusalem has been holy to the three monotheistic religions. What are the realities facing those who wish to worship in this treasured holy space today?

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In Jerusalem as in the rest of the country, land is the locus of the struggle for control. Here we explore the status of land in Jerusalem and its environs.

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Blog Post Perspective: Our Shrinking Mobility—An Ominous Sense of Déjà Vu

A Palestinian Jerusalemite takes stock of Israel’s latest clampdown on the West Bank.

Personal Story Daydreaming on Her Daily Commute Got M Banned from Jerusalem

With each passing day, Jerusalem is getting harder to reach for Palestinians outside the city.

Graphic Banned from Entry: How Israel Blacklists Half a Million PA ID Holders, Blocking Them from Entering Jerusalem

The black hole of blacklisting: How Palestinians with PA IDs get wholly banned from Jerusalem with one click on the keyboard

Blog Post In an Emergency, Palestinian Jerusalemites Call Iman

She saw a need—inadequate emergency services for Palestinians—and in addressing it found her mission in life.

Blog Post Palestinian Women Share Little-Noted Hazards of Prolonged Closures: “The Checkpoints Strained My Bladder”

The right to medical treatment and even to relieve oneself are compromised by Israeli checkpoints, especially when extended closures are enforced.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Bio Jamal Badran

One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Bio Musa Alami

A legal expert and statesman, developer, reformer, and critical thinker

Blog Post Jerusalem Figures Respond to President Trump’s Plan to Ethnically Cleanse the Gaza Strip

President Trump wants to grab Gaza and develop it—without Palestinians. Jerusalemites respond.

Interview Planning Expert Explains New Protocol Stopping Palestinian Residential Development in East Jerusalem

Israel closes a loophole that allowed a little Palestinian development in East Jerusalem for a short while.

Personal Story Daydreaming on Her Daily Commute Got M Banned from Jerusalem

With each passing day, Jerusalem is getting harder to reach for Palestinians outside the city.

Feature Story Israel Bars Access to Foreign Muslims Wanting to Perform Morning Prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque

Muslim tourists dream of praying at al-Aqsa Mosque, but upon arrival, they are discovering that some prayer times are off limits under Israel’s rules.

Graphic The Uniquely Impermanent Resident Status Israel Gives Palestinians in Jerusalem

How Israel’s permanent-resident status constrains and contains Palestinians’ lives in Jerusalem, where the majority have been forced to hold this status.

Blog Post Inflation Hits Palestinian Jerusalemites Hard While the City Doubles Municipal Tax

Palestinian Jerusalemites face multiple economic stresses.

Blog Post Palestinian Refugees Petition Israeli Supreme Court against Laws Banning UNRWA

Israel’s ban on UNRWA is due to take effect in a week. Palestinian refugees say impact will be catastrophic.

Blog Post Israel Expanding Settler Footprint in Sheikh Jarrah with Yeshiva

A new assault on the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah