Israel's Separation Wall, called al-jidar by Palestinians, has drastically reshaped the geopolitical fabric of Jerusalem and its hinterland, enveloping Jews into the city and fragmenting and asphyxiating Palestinian existence in and all around it. 

The Story in Numbers


Estimated number of Palestinian Jerusalemites who have been separated from the city by the Separation Wall and must now access it through continuously congested, bottlenecked military checkpoints daily, even though they hold Israeli IDs and live within the city boundaries; this number is likely higher [1]


Estimated number of Palestinian localities in or around Jerusalem that have been excised (granted access to the city only through a single checkpoint—i.e., taken out of the city), enclaved (entrapped within the wall without Israeli IDs or legal access to the city), or totally engulfed (surrounded on all sides) by the Separation Wall’s meandering, asphyxiating route; [2] many have consequently been ghettoized


Number of Israeli settlements built illegally outside of Israel’s (unilaterally) expanded municipal boundaries that will be enveloped into the city by the wall’s planned route, connecting them to the 11 already existing Israeli settlements built within the municipal boundaries in East Jerusalem [3]


Estimated number of kilometers spanned by the entire portion of the wall that has been built to date (this is subject to change) [4]


Known number of kilometers remaining unbuilt in the planned route of the wall (this is subject to change) [5]


Number of kilometers spanned by the wall in and around Jerusalem [6]

52 out of 60

Number of kilometers of the wall made of concrete and stone found in the portion of the wall that encircles Jerusalem versus the entire West Bank (i.e., 87 percent), [7] showing that the portion of the wall built of concrete and stone is largely located in East Jerusalem, not further afield in the rest of the West Bank


Percent of the wall’s meandering route in Jerusalem and its close environs that breaches the Green Line (versus 85 percent across the entire West Bank) [8]


Number of square kilometers of Palestinian land that will be expropriated once the wall’s meandering route around the “Greater Jerusalem” area is completed (which equates to about 4 percent of West Bank land)[9]


1. B’Tselem, “The Separation Barrier,” November 11, 2017.

2. Calculation by the Jerusalem Story Team based on Table 1 in al-Jidar: An Instrument of Fragmentation.

3. Six settlements are enveloped into the city by the first layer of the wall (Har Adar, Har Shmuel, Giv’at HaChadasha, Giv’at Ze’ev, Beit Horon, and Har Gilo). Six settlements are enveloped into the city by the partially built, planned route to the East of Jerusalem (Almon, Kfar Adumim, Alon, Mishor Adumim, Ma‘ale Adumim, and Qedar). Fourteen settlements are enveloped by the planned route around the Gush Etzion settlement bloc (Beitar Illit, El’azarm Neve Daniel, Neve Daniel North, Giv’at Hadagon, Migdal Oz, Efrat, Giv’at Hahish, Alon Shvut, Kfar Etzion, Old Massu’ot Itzhak, Bat Ayin, Bat Ayin West, Rosh Tzurim, and Derech Haavot). These total 28 settlements that are outside municipal boundaries and are enveloped into the city by the route, partially built and partially unbuilt. However, these calculations do not include settlements that are still under construction, such as Har Gilo B in the Gush Etzion bloc and E1 in the Ma‘ale Adumim bloc. Nor does it include settlement outposts in these areas. About 11 settlements are within the (unilaterally expanded) Israeli municipal boundaries of East Jerusalem (Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, Neve Ya’akov, Pisgat Ze’ev, French Hill, East Talpiyot, East Talpiyot, Har Homa, Gilo, Ma’alot Dafna, and Ramat Eshkol). These calculations do not include settlement enclaves within Palestinian neighborhoods and settlement outposts around the city, such as the multiple settlement enclaves in the so-called holy basin area (e.g., Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan). In total, settlements enveloped into the city by the wall (both those in East Jerusalem and beyond the municipal boundaries), including those within the Giv’at Ze’ev, Ma‘ale Adumim, and Gush Etzion settlement blocs, amount to 41, excluding outposts and enclaves.

4. Based on a digitized map measurement using GIS and aerial photos conducted by the Jerusalem Story Team.

5. Based on a digitized map measurement using GIS and aerial photos conducted by the Jerusalem Story Team.

6. Based on a digitized map measurement using GIS and aerial photos conducted by the Jerusalem Story Team.

7. Frances Chiodelli, “Re-shaping Jerusalem: The Transformation of Jerusalem’s Metropolitan Area by the Israeli Barrier,” Cities 31 (2013): 419.

8. Based on a digitized map measurement using GIS and aerial photos conducted by the Jerusalem Story Team.

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