Manufacturer of surveillance tech deployed in East Jerusalem faces the risk of disinvestment over draconian surveillance of Palestinians.
While not surprising, the results point to a darker future in the city and reflect nationwide trends.
The mufti’s luxurious home in Sheikh Jarrah is a microcosm of the city’s rich and vibrant Palestinian past—and of its erasure by Israeli authorities.
Four prominent Palestinian Jerusalemites share their thoughts about how the Oslo Accords devastated East Jerusalem.
There are 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees with the UNRWA, and they continue to have a unique status under international law.
Palestinians with Jordanian passports question, how permanent is “temporary?”
“All we talk about is the house”—A timeline showing how a Palestinian home in what became West Jerusalem was confiscated and passed to Jewish ownership and its origins erased
Israel uses the 1950 Absentees’ Property Law and several amendments to it to confiscate Palestinian property across East Jerusalem and give it to Jewish settlers.
An inventory of Palestinian villages in the Jerusalem area pre-1948 and their erasure and replacement