An educator and social worker who founded a school for destitute girls and was fondly recalled as the “patron of us poor people”
A Jerusalem artist in exile whose predominant themes revolved around depicting the city of her birth
A venerated Palestinian journalist who reported from the field in the occupied territories for a quarter of a century until she was murdered while on assignment.
Jerusalemite appointed first-ever minister of Jerusalem affairs in 2006 who was arrested, jailed, stripped of residency, and deported by Israel
A feminist activist and leader who worked to protect and promote the legal, social, and political rights of women locally and worldwide
Jerusalem’s historian and defender of academic freedom, who fought to preserve the city’s diversity and plurality
A renowned journalist, historian, and politician whose account of the 1948 War remains one of the most authoritative texts on the subject
A leading Jerusalemite musician and composer whose output in Palestine and Lebanon includes at least 200 compositions—symphonies, concerts, orchestra works, and anthems
A notable Palestinian educator who worked tirelessly to preserve the Arab curriculum in East Jerusalem after 1967
An academic and prolific author who believed that poetry was a way to bring about change, give a voice to Palestinians, and promote peace
One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson
An influential scholar, educator, journalist, and author and a prolific translator of Russian literature into Arabic
One of the few female artists who depicted Jerusalem in the mid-20th century
An accomplished scholar of Arabic and Islamic studies and award-winning translator who traced his creative talent to his Jerusalem childhood