
Photo 19th-Century Depiction of Damascus Gate

Damascus Gate, brought to life by painter Ippolito Caffi

Photo Samia Halaby

Where the magic happens: Palestinian artist Samia Halaby’s creative space

Photo Through Jerusalem’s Dung Gate

Entering the Old City through Maghrebi Gate

Photo Jerusalemite Youth

Boy Scouts in Jerusalem during the early 1900s

Photo Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, ca. 1870–80

Locals, pilgrims, and tourists at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Photo Soccer by the Wall

Palestinian men play a game of soccer next to the Separation Wall in Abu Dis.

Photo Aerial View of Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s Old City surrounding al-Haram al-Sharif in the 1930s

Photo Street Vendor in the Old City of Jerusalem

A glimpse of Jerusalem’s street life in the early 20th century

Photo The Battle for Jerusalem, 1948

A moment showing the Arab defense of Jerusalem, 1948