
Terminology in the Jerusalem context can be complex and also controversial. Words and their meanings shape narratives. Our Lexicon goes beyond standard definitions and also offers, where applicable, nuanced shades of meanings that matter to Palestinian Jerusalemites.


A Muslim judge who interprets and renders decisions based on Islamic law, or sharia. Historically, in Muslim societies, qadis were considered the primary religious leaders of the community. Starting in the mid-19th century, with the secularization of Ottoman administration, qadis’ roles were increasingly restricted to personal status matters, with civil courts assuming more power. As a result, muftis began to grow in importance to fulfill the role of rendering religious rulings. 

In Ottoman Jerusalem, qadis were appointed by Istanbul, and they were considered a rank above the muftis, who were selected based upon family lineage. However, following its occupation of Palestine in 1917, Britain severed Jerusalem’s ties with Istanbul and assigned more importance to the mufti by creating the role of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. To this day, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem serves as both the mufti and qadi of the city. 


A traditional Middle Eastern stringed zither instrument that takes on a flat, trapezoidal shape. It has between 72 and 81 strings, grouped in sets of three, and is played by plucking the strings. The qanun produces a distinct sound common in Arabic, Turkish, and other regional music styles.


The direction that Muslims must face when performing their prayers. Initially, the qibla for Muslims was toward al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, but in the Hijri (lunar) year 624, it was redirected to the Kaaba, a sacred structure located in the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This change was prompted by the revelation of the qibla verse in the Quran (2:144), which commanded Muslims to redirect their prayers. 

The qibla symbolizes the unity of Muslims worldwide, as all direct their worship toward the same focal point. Historically, Muslims determined the qibla using methods such as astronomical observations and compass readings. Today, digital tools and smartphone apps can accurately point Muslims toward the Kaaba from any location in the world. 

In mosques worldwide, the qibla is marked by a niche in the wall called the mihrab, indicating the direction of Mecca. 


The book composed of sacred writings accepted by Muslims as revelations made to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah through the angel Gabriel