
Terminology in the Jerusalem context can be complex and also controversial. Words and their meanings shape narratives. Our Lexicon goes beyond standard definitions and also offers, where applicable, nuanced shades of meanings that matter to Palestinian Jerusalemites.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews

The pejorative term that often replaces Haredi, denoting a member of a Jewish sect who strictly follows Jewish law and tradition, which are unchanging. Ultra-Orthodox Jews are theologically, politically, and socially conservative, rejecting secular ideologies. They believe that they follow the most authentic expression of Judaism, having been passed down in an unbroken, unaltered chain from Moses himself. Thus, while they can be members of different Jewish branches, they are linked by their unwavering adherence to the Torah. 

The term, however, can be used derogatorily to describe extremist, or even fanatic, Jewish groups. See also Hasid, Orthodox Jew.

Unity Intifada

Third Palestinian uprising, triggered by Israel’s attempts in early 2021 to expel several Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. Protests were seen throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but also inside Israel and around the world. Israeli police and special forces took over the grounds of the al-Aqsa Mosque complex in early April during Ramadan, beating and injuring Palestinian worshippers and destroying priceless Islamic artifacts. Hamas then fired rockets into Israel, after which Israel launched an 11-day assault on Gaza from May 10 to 21. According to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 256 Palestinians, including 66 children and 40 women, were killed in Gaza; and the Ministry of Health reported almost 2,000 injured. In Israel, 13 people were killed, including 2 children and 6 women. In the West Bank, 26 Palestinians were killed and about 6,900 were injured. Many Palestinians believe that the Unity Intifada did not end in 2021, with waves of popular resistance against Israel’s occupation recurring through at least 2023. Also known as the Dignity and Hope Intifada, Unity Uprising.