West Bank

Blog Post Perspective: Our Shrinking Mobility—An Ominous Sense of Déjà Vu

A Palestinian Jerusalemite takes stock of Israel’s latest clampdown on the West Bank.

Photo Waiting at the Gate

The gate of an illegal Israeli settlement blocks Palestinian farmers from reaching their lands.

Backgrounder Bir ‘Awna: The Neighborhood Israel Snatched from Beit Jala

Israel tried to ingest the neighborhood and, over time, regurgitate its residents—with only partial success.

Photo The View from Battir

A scar on a bucolic ancient landscape

Feature Story Israel Fast-Tracks New West Bank Settlement, Its First in Years, on Ancient Battir Lands, Southwest of Jerusalem

A newly approved settlement southwest of Jerusalem would drive a stake through the heart of any future Palestinian state.

Feature Story Israel to Advance Nearly 7,000 Settlement Units in East Jerusalem

Accelerated settlements push threatens to sever Jerusalem’s southern flank from its Palestinian hinterland.

Feature Story Under Cover of War, Israel Charges Ahead with Severing East Jerusalem from the West Bank through Settlements

Israel’s most recent settlement proposal in East Jerusalem would further cut off the city from the remainder of the West Bank.

Feature Story Judaizing Jerusalem: Jewish Settlements Are Soaring in and around the City

Israel’s new right-wing governing coalition is accelerating settlement construction in and widely around East Jerusalem, expediting its Judaization.