Jerusalem Municipality

Graphic East Jerusalem Schools

A quick reference for the patchwork of types of schools that serve Palestinian students in East Jerusalem

Backgrounder Bir ‘Awna: The Neighborhood Israel Snatched from Beit Jala

Israel tried to ingest the neighborhood and, over time, regurgitate its residents—with only partial success.

Journal Article Wadi al-Joz: In Focus

The families that made Wadi al-Joz their home and the efforts to remove the area’s industrial zone in the 1980s

Feature Story Kufr ‘Aqab, a Densely Populated Neighborhood in Jerusalem, Is Left High and Dry without Enough Water in Summer

Residents of Kufr ‘Aqab are forced to purchase and ration water in a summer heatwave.

Feature Story Why Is the Palestinian Population of Jerusalem’s Old City Shrinking?

Palestinians are gradually leaving the Old City in response to Israel’s multilayered pressures.

Feature Story Israel Attempts to Seize Palestinian-Owned Parking Lot to Build Promenade

The city sets its sights on a Palestinian-owned space, once a sheep market, that serves Old City residents and worshippers.

Short Take Jerusalem’s Municipal Elections Produce a Council Dominated by Religious Jews; the City’s Palestinians Stay Home

While not surprising, the results point to a darker future in the city and reflect nationwide trends.

Photo Elections in Jerusalem: 1934

A glimpse into one of the final chapters of municipal elections in pre-partition Jerusalem

Feature Story After Months of War, Jerusalem’s Municipal Elections Leave Palestinian Residents Indifferent

When Jerusalem goes to the polls this week, Palestinians will likely stay home.