Separation Wall

Feature Story Kufr ‘Aqab, a Densely Populated Neighborhood in Jerusalem, Is Left High and Dry without Enough Water in Summer

Residents of Kufr ‘Aqab are forced to purchase and ration water in a summer heatwave.

Photo Soccer by the Wall

Palestinian men play a game of soccer next to the Separation Wall in Abu Dis.

Feature Story Why Is the Palestinian Population of Jerusalem’s Old City Shrinking?

Palestinians are gradually leaving the Old City in response to Israel’s multilayered pressures.

Blog Post One Man’s Tragedy, Dissected, Exposes the Brutalities of Israel’s Rule over Palestinians

The story behind a tragic accident offers a window into a brutal settler-colonial landscape. A book review.

Photo Mournful Christmas Season in the Holy Land

A Holy Land divided, fearful, and grieving

The wall around Kufr Aqab neighborhood, East Jerusalem
Video Kufr ‘Aqab: A Neighborhood in Jerusalem

What happens when a city walls off a densely populated neighborhood and then abandons it?

Personal Story Ibrahim and His Family: “Lucky” to Be Living in a Collapsing Building to Remain in Jerusalem

Ibrahim and his family have no choice but to keep living in a collapsing building in Bir ‘Awna to afford rent and keep their Jerusalem residency permits.

Blog Post House Hunting in Kufr ‘Aqab

A newlywed couple face challenges when they try to find an apartment to buy in the Palestinian neighborhood of Kufr ‘Aqab, which lies behind the Separation Wall.

Feature Story The Walk to School

A glimpse of some of the myriad risks and hazards Palestinian schoolchildren in Jerusalem face on their daily walk to school. A Photo Story.