Jessica Buxbaum


Jessica Buxbaum is a Jerusalem-based journalist covering Palestine and the Israeli occupation.

Content by this author

Short Take New Settler Outpost near the Jerusalem Village of Khan al-Ahmar Threatens Schoolchildren

A new Israeli settler outpost near Jerusalem’s Khan al-Ahmar village is harming villagers’ land and threatening children’s access to school.

Blog Post Israel Demolishing Palestinian Neighborhood to Build Jerusalem’s “Silicon Valley”

Israel is demolishing a Palestinian neighborhood in Jerusalem to construct new commercial projects, like those in California’s Silicon Valley.

Feature Story Soar Over Those Pesky Palestinians’ Heads: Government-Funded Settler Zip Line Opens in Jerusalem

A new zip line gives tourists and Israelis another way to avoid seeing or visiting Jerusalem’s Palestinian neighborhoods.

Blog Post Announcing Heritage Tours of al-Aqsa Mosque, Israel Again Shifts the Status Quo There

Israel plans to sponsor tours of al-Aqsa Mosque for thousands of Jews and tourists.

Interview Ir Amim Issues New Report on Education in East Jerusalem, Tracking Severe Challenges Facing Schools There

Educating Palestinians in East Jerusalem is an effort facing pressures from the authorities on multiple fronts.

Blog Post Musrara Café across from Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate Faces Closure

A lifetime family business is forcibly terminated by the state.

Blog Post Home Demolitions Spike in East Jerusalem as Ongoing War Averts Attention

Home demolitions in Jerusalem have been spiking; certain areas appear targeted.

Feature Story Israel to Advance Nearly 7,000 Settlement Units in East Jerusalem

Accelerated settlements push threatens to sever Jerusalem’s southern flank from its Palestinian hinterland.