One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson
A social activist, educator, and institution builder who has dedicated her life to serving her community
A quick reference for the patchwork of types of schools that serve Palestinian students in East Jerusalem
How could Israel’s harsh new education law affect Palestinian school in Jerusalem? We asked Hassan Jabareen, a lawyer who is general director of the human rights organization Adalah.
A blind educator from Jerusalem who made substantial contributions to the education and vocational training of blind people in the Arab world
Israel escalates its war on Palestine and Palestinian identity with new education law.
Educating the next generation: a wide-ranging discussion among diverse stakeholders
A doctor who offered his services widely, helped establish hospitals and clinics, and taught himself to play the piano
Educating Palestinians in East Jerusalem is an effort facing pressures from the authorities on multiple fronts.