A doctor who offered his services widely, helped establish hospitals and clinics, and taught himself to play the piano
Educating Palestinians in East Jerusalem is an effort facing pressures from the authorities on multiple fronts.
One Jerusalem family’s story: The Nakba and its aftermath
Dar Al Tifel Al Arabi, founded in 1948 by Hind al-Husseini, embodies resilience and dedication to preserving Jerusalem’s Arab and Jerusalemite identity.
Israel seems to have declared war on UNRWA. How would its permanent closure affect Palestinian Jerusalemites?
East Jerusalem schools are adamant that their curriculum must help Jerusalem children understand their lived realities.
This women-initiated community project evolved into a facility that nurtures children from nursery school through grade 8.
An educator and social worker who founded a school for destitute girls and was fondly recalled as the “patron of us poor people”
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a world-renowned Palestinian feminist scholar, is arrested from bed and hauled to prison for interrogation.