1967 War

Blog Post Lessons of Our Elders: What They Lost When They Lost Jerusalem

What do Jerusalemites who were forced to leave their homes in 1948 tell their descendants about the place they lost?

Roundtable Remembering the 1967 Naksa

What was it like to live through Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem in June 1967, and how did it transform the city and community?

Blog Post A Fascinating Biography of Jerusalem Tracing Its Evolution into a Global City

This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.

Bio Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih

A religious and legal scholar and nationalist who was the first Palestinian Israel exiled from Jerusalem in 1967

An old Palestinian man walks toward the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to pray, May 1967 (UNRWA footage).
Video Al-Quds (Arab Jerusalem)

This documentary depicts life in Arab Jerusalem before the 1967 War and captures Palestinians’ sense of loss in its aftermath.

Short Take The Legal and Institutional Complexities of What It Means to Be a Palestine Refugee

There are 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees with the UNRWA, and they continue to have a unique status under international law.

Personal Story The Mukhtar and I: A Day with My Grandfather in the Old City

A Palestinian in exile remembers Jerusalem’s Old City—the sights and sounds, the tight-knit community—during his last days with his formidable grandfather, the Mukhtar.

Blog Post Reconstructing the Life and Erasure of Jerusalem’s Moroccan Quarter

This definitive history of Jerusalem’s iconic Moroccan Quarter explains its significance over centuries, how Israel destroyed it overnight, and why it still matters. A book review.

Bio Husni al-Ashhab

A notable Palestinian educator who worked tirelessly to preserve the Arab curriculum in East Jerusalem after 1967