
Feature Story Jerusalem Churches Protest the Municipality’s Attempts to Tax Them

A long-standing clash between church and city flares up anew in Jerusalem.

Blog Post Jerusalem Pulse: Recent Research Roundup

Your portal into recent research and publications related to Palestinians of Jerusalem

Blog Post A Fascinating Biography of Jerusalem Tracing Its Evolution into a Global City

This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.

Interactive Map Jerusalem Divided by the Green Line (1949)

An interactive map of Jerusalem as divided by the Green Line of 1949

Photo Essay Sacred Seasons: Tracing the Holy Calendar of Jerusalem’s Palestinians

The sacred traditions of Jerusalem’s Palestinians through time and faiths

Feature Story On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Hundreds of Jerusalemite Families Are Anxious about the Fate of Their Captive Children

Thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including children, face excruciating conditions in Israeli prisons.

Photo The Battle for Jerusalem, 1948

A moment showing the Arab defense of Jerusalem, 1948

Blog Post Spiritual Jerusalem Unites Us

Jerusalemites observed Easter and Eid al-Fitr during the same week, but a deep sadness hung over the city.

Photo Essay King David Hotel, a Focal Point in British Mandate Jerusalem Whose Bombing Was a Watershed Moment

For Palestinian Jerusalemites, the city’s first luxury hotel will always be linked to a terrorist act that signaled the end of their lives in Jerusalem.