Islamic Heritage

Blog Post A Ramadan Dawn Prayer: “May God Protect Us from What This Day Has in Store for Us”

New metal gates trigger bad memories of electronic gates in 2017.

Blog Post A Breath of Respite: Impressions of a Local Jerusalemite on the First Day of Ramadan

What was the scene around al-Aqsa Mosque on the first night of Ramadan after months of wartime closures?

Feature Story Islamic Authorities and Community Prepare Warily for Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, the Waqf Council announces its plans, and Israel sets up new surveillance cameras in holy spaces.

Bio Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih

A religious and legal scholar and nationalist who was the first Palestinian Israel exiled from Jerusalem in 1967

Screen shot from the film The Awaited Cannon
Video The Awaited Cannon

The firing of the Ramadan cannon is a centuries-old tradition. How did it begin, and what meanings and memories does it evoke for the community?

Blog Post Arab League Hosts High-Level Jerusalem Support Conference in Cairo

The Arab League and the Palestinian National Authority held a special conference to affirm and rally support for Jerusalem, a city of central importance to Arabs and Muslims worldwide.

Video The Khalidi Library and the Family That Founded It: Knowledge, Place, and Time

The Khalidi Library, founded and maintained by the Khalidis, a Jerusalemite family with centuries of history in the city, is a local treasure.