
Bio Jamal Badran

One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson

Screenshot from a video short about Kamal Boullata in his art studio
Video Kamal Boullata on Painting, Exile, and Jerusalem

Kamal Boullata’s art reflects his exile and longing for the light of Jerusalem.

Photo Album The Artistic Oeuvre of Samia Halaby—Digital Art

When Samia Halaby purchased her new computer, it opened up an entirely new world of art creation.

Bio Suhail Khoury

A musician with a passion for Mozart and Palestine

Blog Post The Palestinian Art Court—al-Hoash: Connecting Palestinian Artists with the World

A space for Palestinian visual art and culture in Jerusalem

Blog Post Sunbula: The Fair-Trade Crafts Store Connecting Palestine to the World

A labor of love that empowers artisans and preserves heritage

Bio Rania Elias

An advocate for freedom of speech and women’s rights who works to preserve Palestinian heritage and identity