
Photo Under Watch

Big Brother is alive and well in the Old City

Photo Elections in Jerusalem: 1934

A glimpse into one of the final chapters of municipal elections in pre-partition Jerusalem

Photo Jerusalem Municipality Staff, 1934

A glimpse back into days when all of Jerusalem’s population had electoral representation 

Photo Scanning the Hills

A critical strategic point during the 1948 War for Jerusalem

Photo Women from Silwan

Palestinian women villagers in Silwan through the lens of Felix Bonfils

Photo A Watermelon Market at Jaffa Gate

A peek at the Jerusalem markets of the past

Photo Three Jerusalemite Boys Posing on a Road with Their Arms Linked

A glimpse of boyhood in British Mandate Palestine

Photo Mournful Christmas Season in the Holy Land

A Holy Land divided, fearful, and grieving

Photo Bab al-Amud as a Community Space, 1920s

A look back in time at Palestinian workers and the Damascus Gate