Kate Rouhana

Founding Director, Jerusalem Story

Kate Rouhana is a writer, editor, researcher, and instructional designer. She has lived and worked as a journalist and researcher in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Palestine several times throughout her life. Her writing has been published in The Nation, The Journal of Palestine Studies, South-North News Service, New Outlook Magazine, and various US newsletters and magazines. She has edited numerous books on Middle Eastern topics. She holds an MA in Middle Eastern Studies and a BA in International Relations, both from Harvard University.

Content by this author

Feature Story Settlers Fail at Brazen Attempt to Seize Historic Khalidi Home

Khalidi family wins rare court decision against settlers, but what does it portend?

Blog Post The Unusual Origins of an Iconic East Jerusalem Hotel

A Palestinian “Pasha’s Palace” became a haven for traumatized evangelical Christians who served the community for decades and founded a storied hotel.

Backgrounder Who Represents Palestinians in Jerusalem?

How a large and significant urban population of Palestinians is shut out of decision-making about their collective needs.

Blog Post Jerusalem: A Ghost City on Edge

In the wake of the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, Jerusalem’s Palestinians are laying low, tensely anticipating what’s coming next.

Feature Story The Settlement of Land Title (SOLT) in East Jerusalem: “The Most Acute Threat Facing Palestinian Residents of Jerusalem Today”

Israel is ramping up the settlement of land title (SOLT) in East Jerusalem, and especially in the Holy Basin, dispossessing Palestinians and Judaizing the city as a result.

Interview Salah al-Din Street, the “Beating Heart” of East Jerusalem, Is Targeted for Erasure by Israel’s City Center Plan

A conversation with Adalah’s legal director, Suhad Bishara, about Israel’s plan to relegate the Salah al-Din Street commercial district to irrelevance

Interview Challenged, the Police Back Down and Remove 10 Internal Checkpoints from Sheikh Jarrah

How did a Palestinian NGO compel the Jerusalem police to remove 10 internal checkpoints in Sheikh Jarrah? A conversation with Adalah’s Suhad Bishara.

Interview Closure and the Dismemberment of Jerusalem

What is closure, and how does it block Palestinians with certain IDs from moving freely? We asked Yael Berda, who worked within and studied this little-understood bureaucracy.

Interview Palestinians’ Historic and Legal Rights to Palestinian Nationality

Palestinian Jerusalemites are indigenous natives who enjoyed full citizenship rights and whose international rights were profoundly violated when Israel denationalized them as it established its state. A conversation with international law expert Susan Akram.