
Blog Post On the 23rd Anniversary of Faisal Husseini’s Death, Few Remember Him

A vigil for the Lion of Jerusalem draws police wrath.

Short Take Jerusalem’s Municipal Elections Produce a Council Dominated by Religious Jews; the City’s Palestinians Stay Home

While not surprising, the results point to a darker future in the city and reflect nationwide trends.

Photo Elections in Jerusalem: 1934

A glimpse into one of the final chapters of municipal elections in pre-partition Jerusalem

Bio Amin al-Husseini

A founder of the Palestinian nationalist movement; a devout, diplomatic, and popular leader who spent much of his career in exile

Bio Raghib al-Nashashibi

A controversial long-running mayor of Jerusalem who opposed the Zionist agenda while maintaining close ties with British Mandate authorities

Blog Post Palestinian Jerusalemites Caught between the Hammer and the Anvil

Closures, violence, and economic hardships are among the stresses facing Palestinians in Jerusalem during the war.

Blog Post Jerusalem: A Ghost City on Edge

In the wake of the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, Jerusalem’s Palestinians are laying low, tensely anticipating what’s coming next.

Blog Post Palestinian Jerusalemites Form List and File to Enter Upcoming Municipal Election, Bucking Decades of Boycott

Since 1967, Palestinian Jerusalemites have largely boycotted the Jerusalem municipal elections. Will this time be any different?

Short Take Thirty Years Post-Oslo, Palestinian Jerusalemites Feel Orphaned and Leaderless

Four prominent Palestinian Jerusalemites share their thoughts about how the Oslo Accords devastated East Jerusalem.