Human Rights

Short Take Dutch Investor Demands Human Rights Safeguards in East Jerusalem Surveillance Operations

Manufacturer of surveillance tech deployed in East Jerusalem faces the risk of disinvestment over draconian surveillance of Palestinians.

Feature Story Kufr ‘Aqab, a Densely Populated Neighborhood in Jerusalem, Is Left High and Dry without Enough Water in Summer

Residents of Kufr ‘Aqab are forced to purchase and ration water in a summer heatwave.

Feature Story As UNRWA Shutters Its Jerusalem Office under Intensifying Israeli Pressure, Palestinians Reflect on UNRWA’s Role

Israel seems to have declared war on UNRWA. How would its permanent closure affect Palestinian Jerusalemites?

Blog Post Palestinian Advocate Zakaria Odeh: “Injustice, Colonization, and Occupation Can’t Last Forever”

Zakaria Odeh has spent most of his professional life advocating for Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem and beyond.

Feature Story In Historic First, Police Arrest Palestinian Professor on Suspicion of Incitement Based on Academic Work, Podcast

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a world-renowned Palestinian feminist scholar, is arrested from bed and hauled to prison for interrogation.

Blog Post Cancer Patients from Gaza Being Treated at Jerusalem Hospitals Appeal Israel’s Deportation Order

They have cancer; they struggled to get to Jerusalem for treatment; now they face deportation to a war zone without health care.

Blog Post For Jerusalemites, Family Celebrations Are Often Marred or Canceled by Israeli Military Checkpoints

Family events and celebrations are rarely stress free, thanks to ever-lurking checkpoints and soldiers’ whims.

Personal Story Reflections of a Returning Daughter of Jerusalem

The author returns to Shu‘fat to live in her ancestral home and finds happiness despite the emotional stress of living in a settler-colonial state.