
Screenshot from a video short about Kamal Boullata in his art studio
Video Kamal Boullata on Painting, Exile, and Jerusalem

Kamal Boullata’s art reflects his exile and longing for the light of Jerusalem.

Blog Post In the Presence of Mahmoud Shukair

We pay a visit to a master storyteller in his lifelong Jerusalem home.

Blog Post Lessons of Our Elders: What They Lost When They Lost Jerusalem

What do Jerusalemites who were forced to leave their homes in 1948 tell their descendants about the place they lost?

Bio Sami Hadawi

A foremost authority on Palestinian land ownership before 1948 who provided future generations with crucial documentation on the Nakba and Palestinian refugees

Bio Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih

A religious and legal scholar and nationalist who was the first Palestinian Israel exiled from Jerusalem in 1967

Bio Amin al-Husseini

A founder of the Palestinian nationalist movement; a devout, diplomatic, and popular leader who spent much of his career in exile

Personal Story The Mukhtar and I: A Day with My Grandfather in the Old City

A Palestinian in exile remembers Jerusalem’s Old City—the sights and sounds, the tight-knit community—during his last days with his formidable grandfather, the Mukhtar.

Blog Post The Nakba as Experienced by a Jerusalem Child

The trauma of losing home and familiar ways of being in the world lingered with author Nina Bazouzi Cullers for decades after her family left Qatamon for the Old City. A book review.