
Blog Post Lessons of Our Elders: What They Lost When They Lost Jerusalem

What do Jerusalemites who were forced to leave their homes in 1948 tell their descendants about the place they lost?

Blog Post For Jerusalemites, Family Celebrations Are Often Marred or Canceled by Israeli Military Checkpoints

Family events and celebrations are rarely stress free, thanks to ever-lurking checkpoints and soldiers’ whims.

Blog Post Life, Interrupted: One Palestinian Family’s Struggles in Wartime Jerusalem

How challenges are accumulating to a boiling point, leading a Jerusalemite family to question its future


Feature Story For Palestinian Jerusalemite Prisoners, Release Does Not Equate to Freedom

Israel exerts heavy-handed controls over released prisoners’ lives.

Personal Story The Mukhtar and I: A Day with My Grandfather in the Old City

A Palestinian in exile remembers Jerusalem’s Old City—the sights and sounds, the tight-knit community—during his last days with his formidable grandfather, the Mukhtar.

Personal Story In Limbo on the Waiting List: The Life of a “Stay Permit” Spouse

The infinite indignities and humiliations of daily life for Palestinian spouses living in Jerusalem on Israeli military stay permits

Blog Post Determined to Stay—A Deep Dive into the Nightmare That Is Childhood in Silwan

Silwan’s children are systematically attacked and terrorized to pressure families to leave the area, but the community is rallying to protect them. A book review.

Photo Afternoon Coffee, Jerusalem Style

A middle-class Palestinian Jerusalemite family enjoying afternoon coffee together, circa 1910