Palestinian Culture

Blog Post Sabreen Is the Studio at the Heart of Jerusalem’s Musical Community

Jerusalem-based studio Sabreen has been supporting Palestinian musicians since the 1980s.

Bio Said Murad

Composer, oud player, and founder of the band Sabreen, which revolutionized Arab music and the Jerusalem music scene

Blog Post Layali al-Tarab fi Quds al-‘Arab Festival Closes Its 2023 Season

Palestinian Jerusalemites usher in the fall season with a splendid Arabic music festival.

Video Salal: A Message from Jerusalem, about Jerusalem

A stunning live performance work created by Douban Professional Dance that shows how Jerusalem has benefited from its diversity, and how diversity shapes Jerusalemites’ identity still.

Video Battir Station, the Jaffa and Jerusalem Railway

Battir, a verdant, terraced Palestinian agricultural village 8 kilometers southwest of Jerusalem, became a popular spot for outings after the Jerusalem-Jaffa line of the railway opened in 1892.

Blog Post Hakawati Husam Abu Eisheh: “The Heaviness of Jerusalem Makes Us Who We Are”

Palestinian storyteller Husam Abu Eisheh has dedicated his talents to creating theater in Jerusalem for decades, using humor as resistance. 

Bio Hind Taher al-Husseini

A formidable figure who dedicated her life to the care of orphans, education of girls and women, preservation of Palestinian culture, and social service

Bio Hala Sakakini

A Palestinian educator and writer who wrote an iconic, vivid narrative recounting her family’s exile from Qatamon and Jerusalem in 1948

Blog Post Ka‘ek al-Quds: What’s the Secret?

Ka‘ek al-Quds is not just a special bread—it is part and parcel of the personality of the Old City of Jerusalem.