
Blog Post Home Demolitions Spike in East Jerusalem as Ongoing War Averts Attention

Home demolitions in Jerusalem have been spiking; certain areas appear targeted.

Blog Post Forcible Self-Demolition of One’s Home: A Lifelong Trauma for the Whole Family

Israeli authorities are forcing thousands of Palestinian residents in Jerusalem to demolish their own homes, leaving them homeless.

Feature Story Supreme Court Rules to Expel a Palestinian Family in Silwan from Property It Bought in 1966

The Shehadeh family in Silwan has been fighting an Israeli Supreme Court eviction order, and the outcome affects dozens of families.

Photo Aerial View of Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s Old City surrounding al-Haram al-Sharif in the 1930s

Blog Post How Settlers Warp History in Silwan

How the City of David Foundation distorts the narrative of archaeological sites in Silwan

Journal Article Silwan, the Bleeding Wound

A survey of the myriad array of mechanisms of displacement aimed at Silwan and its residents

Feature Story Israeli Courts Order More than 50 Palestinians Expelled from Homes in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah

Israeli Supreme Court orders expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

Feature Story One Lot at a Time, Israeli Settlers Expand Their Presence in Palestinian Silwan

The crisis in Gaza is providing cover for the expansion of Israeli settlements in Silwan.