A view of Jerusalem, not as a symbol of religiosity and conflict, but rather as a living city. A book review.
Palestine’s first agricultural school was abloom with promise and potential.
How the first mixed district to develop outside the Old City was emptied, divided, and used to warehouse Mizrahi immigrants
A blind educator from Jerusalem who made substantial contributions to the education and vocational training of blind people in the Arab world
A doctor who offered his services widely, helped establish hospitals and clinics, and taught himself to play the piano
While looking at family photos, siblings Teddy and Nadia Theodorie recall their displacement from Talbiyya in 1948.
A Palestinian who remained in West Jerusalem in 1948 recalls life there before and after the war. A book review.
Jerusalemites born in the 1920s and 1930s recount their memories of growing up in Jerusalem and what they lost when they were forced to leave in 1948.
This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.