
Blog Post On the 23rd Anniversary of Faisal Husseini’s Death, Few Remember Him

A vigil for the Lion of Jerusalem draws police wrath.

Blog Post A City in Distress: East Jerusalem Noir

Palestinian authors describe Jerusalemites and their struggles to navigate their daily lives despite crushing Israeli colonial practices. A book review.

Blog Post Christian Palestinian Jerusalemites, Agonized, Watch as Horrors Befall Family Members in Gaza

Every Palestinian Jerusalemite knows of someone who was killed, wounded, or displaced during Israel’s ongoing genocidal assault on Gaza.

The wall around Kufr Aqab neighborhood, East Jerusalem
Video Kufr ‘Aqab: A Neighborhood in Jerusalem

What happens when a city walls off a densely populated neighborhood and then abandons it?

Blog Post For Palestinian Jerusalemites Living beyond the Wall, Driving Anywhere Is an Obstacle Course These Days

For Palestinian Jerusalemites who live outside the Separation Wall and want to go to downtown Jerusalem or Bethlehem, a labyrinthine maze awaits.

Blog Post The Old City Shops Are Reeling after Weeks of Closure Due to War

Jerusalem shop owners are determined to remain open, despite Israeli measures placing the Old City off limits to most Palestinians, which kills business.

Roundtable One Month On—Palestinian Jerusalemites Reflect on the War’s Impact on Their Community

Under the radar, Palestinian Jerusalemites are also feeling the brunt of Israel’s fury in the wake of October 7. A community at risk takes stock.

Blog Post Yesterday, I Was a “Security Threat”—Today, I Am Welcome in Jerusalem

Israel tried treating Palestinian Americans like other US tourists, and I was finally able to visit my capital city.