Islamic Heritage

Photo Essay From Pilgrimage to Festival to Uprising: The Evolution of the Nabi Musa Tradition

How a local religious tradition became a cornerstone of Palestinian cultural and political life

Blog Post Perspective: Once the Capital of the Arab World, Jerusalem Has Become an Isolated and Besieged City

For Palestinian Jerusalemites, the Oslo Accords had the disastrous effect of severing the city from the rest of the West Bank.

Feature Story Settlers Fail at Brazen Attempt to Seize Historic Khalidi Home

Khalidi family wins rare court decision against settlers, but what does it portend?

Blog Post From Community Space to Surveillance Chokepoint: Jerusalem’s Ancient Damascus Gate Transformed

Damascus Gate has become ugly, not from an architectural point of view but from a daily emotional one.

Blog Post Jerusalem Suffers in Silence on Eid al-Adha

Palestinian Jerusalemites find it impossible to celebrate this Eid al-Adha.

Blog Post A Fascinating Biography of Jerusalem Tracing Its Evolution into a Global City

This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.

Blog Post Why Are the Trees Surrounding al-Aqsa Mosque Dying?

Trees in the Haram al-Sharif compound are dying. What’s killing them?