Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

Jerusalem Pulse: Recent Research Roundup

Your portal into recent research and publications related to Palestinians of Jerusalem

Palestinian Advocate Zakaria Odeh: “Injustice, Colonization, and Occupation Can’t Last Forever”

Zakaria Odeh has spent most of his professional life advocating for Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem and beyond.

Cancer Patients from Gaza Being Treated at Jerusalem Hospitals Appeal Israel’s Deportation Order

They have cancer; they struggled to get to Jerusalem for treatment; now they face deportation to a war zone without health care.

Jerusalem Pulse: Recent Research Roundup

Your portal into recent research and publications related to Palestinians of Jerusalem

Closure and Access to Jerusalem For Jerusalemites, Family Celebrations Are Often Marred or Canceled by Israeli Military Checkpoints

Family events and celebrations are rarely stress free, thanks to ever-lurking checkpoints and soldiers’ whims.

Closure and Access to Jerusalem As War Drags On, Palestinians Face Difficulties Reaching Jerusalem’s Center

Israel’s clampdown on mobility since the war is being challenged by residents, whose lives are upended by the limited access to the city.

The Separation Wall One Man’s Tragedy, Dissected, Exposes the Brutalities of Israel’s Rule over Palestinians

The story behind a tragic accident offers a window into a brutal settler-colonial landscape. A book review.