al-Aqsa Mosque

Bio Jamal Badran

One of Palestine’s foremost visual artists, sculptors, and calligraphers who also the restored al-Aqsa Mosque’s precious Islamic art after an arson

Blog Post Announcing Heritage Tours of al-Aqsa Mosque, Israel Again Shifts the Status Quo There

Israel plans to sponsor tours of al-Aqsa Mosque for thousands of Jews and tourists.

Blog Post Why Are the Trees Surrounding al-Aqsa Mosque Dying?

Trees in the Haram al-Sharif compound are dying. What’s killing them?

Blog Post The Splendor of Eid al-Fitr in Jerusalem, Despite the Sadness

A deep sadness cloaked the city, but the Eid al-Fitr rites were observed, including visiting the dead and saying prayers for their souls.

Blog Post Praying in al-Aqsa Mosque as an Act of Patriotism

This year, Ramadan prayer is being seen through a different lens.