Khalil Assali


Journalist, writer, and editor-in-chief of Akhbar elBalad Network, Khalil Assali was the chairman of the Jerusalem Journalists’ Club, director of the Media Unit in the President’s Office at al-Quds University, and writer for several Jerusalem newspapers and magazines that disappeared concurrently with Jerusalem’s weakening role in the Palestinian and Arab media landscape. He wrote and published several books, including Lover of Pen and Trouble Tale, Nassereddin NashashibiTurkish ChancellorThe First Letters, and—in press—A Cup of Coffee and a City Story.

Content by this author

Feature Story Settlers Fail at Brazen Attempt to Seize Historic Khalidi Home

Khalidi family wins rare court decision against settlers, but what does it portend?

Blog Post From Community Space to Surveillance Chokepoint: Jerusalem’s Ancient Damascus Gate Transformed

Damascus Gate has become ugly, not from an architectural point of view but from a daily emotional one.

Feature Story Kufr ‘Aqab, a Densely Populated Neighborhood in Jerusalem, Is Left High and Dry without Enough Water in Summer

Residents of Kufr ‘Aqab are forced to purchase and ration water in a summer heatwave.

Blog Post Jerusalem Suffers in Silence on Eid al-Adha

Palestinian Jerusalemites find it impossible to celebrate this Eid al-Adha.

Blog Post Feeding the Needy on Eid al-Adha in Today’s Jerusalem: A High-Risk Endeavor

For Palestinian Jerusalemites, even fulfilling religious obligations is fraught with risk under Israeli occupation.

Feature Story As UNRWA Shutters Its Jerusalem Office under Intensifying Israeli Pressure, Palestinians Reflect on UNRWA’s Role

Israel seems to have declared war on UNRWA. How would its permanent closure affect Palestinian Jerusalemites?

Blog Post On the 23rd Anniversary of Faisal Husseini’s Death, Few Remember Him

A vigil for the Lion of Jerusalem draws police wrath.

Feature Story East Jerusalem Schools Deal with One Crisis after Another—Most Are Related to Funding

East Jerusalem schools are adamant that their curriculum must help Jerusalem children understand their lived realities.