Daoud Kuttab


Daoud Kuttab is an award-winning Palestinian journalist and media activist. He is a former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University and is currently director-general of Community Media Network, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing independent media in the Arab region, as well as a columnist for Palestine Pulse at Al-Monitor, Born in Jerusalem, he began his journalism career working in the Palestinian print media (al-Fajr, al-Quds, and a-Sennara) as well as in the audiovisual field (documentary producer). He founded and presided over the Jerusalem Film Institute in the 1990s. In 1995, he helped set up the Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN), a censorship-free Arab website. He established and has headed from 1996 to 2007 the Institute of Modern Media at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. He is also a regular columnist for the Jordan Times, the Jerusalem Post, and the Daily Star in Lebanon.

Content by this author

Feature Story Jerusalem Churches Protest the Municipality’s Attempts to Tax Them

A long-standing clash between church and city flares up anew in Jerusalem.

Feature Story Kufr ‘Aqab, a Densely Populated Neighborhood in Jerusalem, Is Left High and Dry without Enough Water in Summer

Residents of Kufr ‘Aqab are forced to purchase and ration water in a summer heatwave.

Feature Story As UNRWA Shutters Its Jerusalem Office under Intensifying Israeli Pressure, Palestinians Reflect on UNRWA’s Role

Israel seems to have declared war on UNRWA. How would its permanent closure affect Palestinian Jerusalemites?

Roundtable Remembering the 1967 Naksa

What was it like to live through Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem in June 1967, and how did it transform the city and community?

Feature Story East Jerusalem Schools Deal with One Crisis after Another—Most Are Related to Funding

East Jerusalem schools are adamant that their curriculum must help Jerusalem children understand their lived realities.

Feature Story Why Is the Palestinian Population of Jerusalem’s Old City Shrinking?

Palestinians are gradually leaving the Old City in response to Israel’s multilayered pressures.

Feature Story Israeli Police Return to Cows’ Garden, Inflict Damage on Behalf of Xana Gardens

The Armenian community’s concerns escalate over repeated police interference on the ground without legal authorization.

Feature Story Islamic Authorities and Community Prepare Warily for Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, the Waqf Council announces its plans, and Israel sets up new surveillance cameras in holy spaces.