Al-Bustan Association Silwan

جمعية بستان سلوان


Provide safe environment for children, youth, and families to be aware, empowered, and active toward their rights and duties

Organization Type

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

Areas of Work

Culture, Arts, and Music,

Location of Work

Inside the wall and inside the Israeli municipal boundaries of Jerusalem,


Silwan is a Palestinian village, located immediately south of the Old City that encompasses multiple neighborhoods, including al-Bustan. The area, which falls within the so-called Holy Basin, has been a particular target of fierce efforts by the state and settlers to displace the indigenous Palestinian population.

Al-Bustan association was established to address the threat of demolition and eviction orders for dozens of families in al-Bustan neighborhood, the widespread arrests of children, the absence of playgrounds and parks, systemic negligence by the municipality, and the deteriorating economic situation.

Al-Bustan Neighborhood, Silwan, Jerusalem
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Qutyba Odeh, Chairperson

Tel: +972.2.502.0603 Mobile: +972.50.304.6767