Nonresidential settlement

Built to provide economic and cultural functions for adjacent residential settlements. Different types include industrial parks, which may be built to house industry (such as the Mishor Adumim settlement), or settlements that have both housing and industry (such as the Atarot settlement). Israeli national parks in the occupied West Bank are another type and are built under the guise of preservation, while simultaneously confiscating Palestinian lands. National parks are usually managed by sub-governmental administrations, such as the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and serve adjacent residential settlements. The Emek Refaim National Park is an example of this kind of settlement. Finally, touristic settlement parks are built by the state, the municipality, or settler organizations in cooperation with the state and municipality. Their aim is to contribute to the economic growth of settlements and settler organizations, while emphasizing the Jewish people’s historic connections to the region at the expense of Palestinian Arab history, which has simultaneously disappeared. Examples include the City of David archaeological settlement, built on the lands of Silwan and the Haniya Spring Park, a recreational area created on the lands and remaining buildings of al-Walaja village.