
Screen shot from the film The Awaited Cannon
Video The Awaited Cannon

The firing of the Ramadan cannon is a centuries-old tradition. How did it begin, and what meanings and memories does it evoke for the community?

Video Yearning for Ramadan

A jeweler in the Old City shares his wistful dreams for the holy month of Ramadan as it approaches. What’s he wishing for?

Video Behind the Wall

Teresa, 22, lives in Ramallah, but she’s never seen nearby Jerusalem due to Israel’s Separation Wall and permit regime. What lies behind the wall?

Headshot of Mohammed El-Kurd of Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem
Video Home Front: Mohammed El-Kurd

Mohammed El-Kurd, 14, narrates his experience of sharing his family home with the Jewish settlers who forcibly expelled the El-Kurds from the two-room extension they added in the 1990s.

Rifka El-Kurd resists Jewish settlers taking over part of her home in Sheikh Jarrah on December 1, 2009
Video The Takeover of Part of the Rifka El-Kurd Family Home in Sheikh Jarrah

What does a forcible home expulsion actually entail? 

A house in Wadi Yasul, Silwan, Jerusalem
Video Wadi Yasul: The Jerusalem Neighborhood Slated for Demolition and Replacement by the “Peace Forest”

Residents of Wadi Yasul share their daily lived realities as targets for intended erasure from the landscape.

Video “We Are Here”—A Jerusalemite Family Story

A Palestinian whose family was forced to relocate from West to East Jerusalem in 1948 returns to one of the family homes in West Jerusalem that Israel confiscated and shares his family’s story and memories.

Video Love under Occupation

A fictional couple plays out how Israel’s new regulations for foreigners wishing to visit the West Bank will seep into their private lives. 

Video Checkpoint 300: The Torturous Commute of the Palestinian Worker Entering Israel from the West Bank

The agony and dehumanizing experience of the “morning commute” for Palestinians who hold Palestinian Authority (PA) ID cards and must enter Israel to feed their families.