Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

What Is Jerusalem? From Community Space to Surveillance Chokepoint: Jerusalem’s Ancient Damascus Gate Transformed

Damascus Gate has become ugly, not from an architectural point of view but from a daily emotional one.

“The World Is a Stage”: Challenging Reality through Art

A humorous play depicts the unhappy result when two adults marry to fulfill their socially assigned roles.

“We Do Not Describe Jerusalem—We Interpret It”: Raed Saadeh and His Model of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a mosaic of faiths, cultures, and communities, so much larger than the labels given to it.

What Is Jerusalem? A Fascinating Biography of Jerusalem Tracing Its Evolution into a Global City

This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.

Why Are the Trees Surrounding al-Aqsa Mosque Dying?

Trees in the Haram al-Sharif compound are dying. What’s killing them?

Settlements How Settlers Warp History in Silwan

How the City of David Foundation distorts the narrative of archaeological sites in Silwan

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Crafting Arabesques in Jerusalem

A retired Jerusalemite writer and researcher creates his own Arab architecture museum in Ras al-Amud.

Spiritual and Religious Life The Splendor of Eid al-Fitr in Jerusalem, Despite the Sadness

A deep sadness cloaked the city, but the Eid al-Fitr rites were observed, including visiting the dead and saying prayers for their souls.