Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

Perspective: “The Worst Day of Every Year”

When your city wants you dead

Children at High Risk: “After Gaza, the Most Dangerous Place for Palestinians Right Now Is East Jerusalem”

The October 7 war has led to increased violations of Palestinian children’s rights in Jerusalem and across the oPT, and defending them has become more challenging.

“Raise Your Hands and Give Us Your Phones!” Palestinian Jerusalemites Silenced in Their Private and Public Spaces

Yet another newly passed “emergency” law allows Israeli police to search Palestinians’ phones and arrest them on charges of hate speech or incitement.

In East Jerusalem These Days, Moving around While Palestinian Is Perilous

While Israel bombs Gaza, Palestinian Jerusalemites find that travel within the city is unpredictable and risky, and their social media can be used to detain them.

Palestinian Jerusalemites Caught between the Hammer and the Anvil

Closures, violence, and economic hardships are among the stresses facing Palestinians in Jerusalem during the war.

Jerusalem: A Ghost City on Edge

In the wake of the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, Jerusalem’s Palestinians are laying low, tensely anticipating what’s coming next.