Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

Jerusalem Figures Respond to President Trump’s Plan to Ethnically Cleanse the Gaza Strip

President Trump wants to grab Gaza and develop it—without Palestinians. Jerusalemites respond.

Inflation Hits Palestinian Jerusalemites Hard While the City Doubles Municipal Tax

Palestinian Jerusalemites face multiple economic stresses.

The West Side Story The Looting of Palestinian Jerusalem in 1948

A thorough historical study based on meticulous archival research debunks founding myths. A book review.

Palestinian Refugees Petition Israeli Supreme Court against Laws Banning UNRWA

Israel’s ban on UNRWA is due to take effect in a week. Palestinian refugees say impact will be catastrophic.

Settlements Israel Expanding Settler Footprint in Sheikh Jarrah with Yeshiva

A new assault on the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah

Closure and Access to Jerusalem Perspective: Our Shrinking Mobility—An Ominous Sense of Déjà Vu

A Palestinian Jerusalemite takes stock of Israel’s latest clampdown on the West Bank.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Perspective: Jerusalem Thanks and Bids Farewell to Mahdi Abdul Hadi

A community mourns an intellectual giant who centered his life’s work around the Palestinian cause and people

Land Jewish National Fund Secretly Registered More Than 100 Palestinian Homes as Its Own

Yet another means of grabbing Palestinian homes in Jerusalem comes to light.