Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

On World Tourism Day, Tourism Has Evaporated in Jerusalem

After nearly a year of war, the city is a shadow of its former self.

Land Home Demolitions Spike in East Jerusalem as Ongoing War Averts Attention

Home demolitions in Jerusalem have been spiking; certain areas appear targeted.

Police Shut Down Screening of Gaza Films at Yabous Cultural Centre

Freedom of expression in East Jerusalem is narrowing.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Lessons of Our Elders: What They Lost When They Lost Jerusalem

What do Jerusalemites who were forced to leave their homes in 1948 tell their descendants about the place they lost?

Spiritual and Religious Life Jerusalem Suffers in Silence on Eid al-Adha

Palestinian Jerusalemites find it impossible to celebrate this Eid al-Adha.

Palestinian Advocate Zakaria Odeh: “Injustice, Colonization, and Occupation Can’t Last Forever”

Zakaria Odeh has spent most of his professional life advocating for Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem and beyond.

The West Side Story Born in Jerusalem, Born Palestinian: A Memoir

A Palestinian who remained in West Jerusalem in 1948 recalls life there before and after the war. A book review.

Spiritual and Religious Life The Splendor of Eid al-Fitr in Jerusalem, Despite the Sadness

A deep sadness cloaked the city, but the Eid al-Fitr rites were observed, including visiting the dead and saying prayers for their souls.