Alice Austin


Alice Austin is a music and cultural journalist from London. She covers the intersection of politics and music with a focus on Israel-Palestine, and regularly writes for Mixmag, Beatportal, Resident Advisor, Red Bulletin, and more.

Content by this author

Interview Weeam Hammoudeh: Taking the Pulse of Palestine’s Public Health

Public health in the shadow of genocide and attempted colonial erasure: A conversation with Weeam Hammoudeh

Blog Post The Palestinian Art Court—al-Hoash: Connecting Palestinian Artists with the World

A space for Palestinian visual art and culture in Jerusalem

Blog Post Sunbula: The Fair-Trade Crafts Store Connecting Palestine to the World

A labor of love that empowers artisans and preserves heritage

Blog Post Sabreen Is the Studio at the Heart of Jerusalem’s Musical Community

Jerusalem-based studio Sabreen has been supporting Palestinian musicians since the 1980s.

Blog Post The East Jerusalem YMCA: Serving the Palestinian Community since 1948

Since 1948, the East Jerusalem YMCA has offered activities aimed at youth to help them cope with the chronic stress of living under occupation.

Blog Post Palestinian Advocate Zakaria Odeh: “Injustice, Colonization, and Occupation Can’t Last Forever”

Zakaria Odeh has spent most of his professional life advocating for Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem and beyond.

Blog Post Emleson School: Championing Community through Education

This women-initiated community project evolved into a facility that nurtures children from nursery school through grade 8.

Blog Post Luma Tarazi: “People Are More Aware Now That Investing in Mental Health Care Increases Resilience”

Post-traumatic stress disorder is hard to diagnose among Palestinians, because the trauma is chronic.