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Interactive Map

Israeli Jerusalem District (Mehoz Yerushalayim)


Jerusalem Story Team

This interactive map shows the Israeli district of Jerusalem (Mehoz Yerushalayim) and how it interacts with the Israeli-imposed municipal boundary and with Palestinian and Jewish localities.

Israel divides up the land it governs into six different districts (seven if we include the West Bank or the so-called Judea and Samaria area), among which is the Jerusalem district. The boundaries of this district expand beyond the Jerusalem municipal borders to include Israeli-populated areas to the west of Jerusalem.

This map can be viewed alongside the map of the Palestinian governorate (Muhafazhat al-Quds) for a better understanding of how each side conceptualizes its Jerusalem district. 

Use the magnifier box in the bottom left-hand corner to view the map full screen. Zoom in to view the localities’ names. Click on the Legend in the upper right to view and manipulate the various map layers, including the Separation Wall (white) and the municipal boundary (dotted black). Note the portions of the wall that are not yet built (dotted white).

To learn more, see  Where Is Jerusalem?