Jerusalem Notebook

Blog Posts

The West Side Story The Looting of Palestinian Jerusalem in 1948

A thorough historical study based on meticulous archival research debunks founding myths. A book review.

What Is Jerusalem? Uncovering the Other Jerusalem

A view of Jerusalem, not as a symbol of religiosity and conflict, but rather as a living city. A book review.

The West Side Story An “Ecumenical” Friendship in Mandate Palestine, Ruptured by Politics

A fascinating biographical account of an intimate interfaith friendship among five young adults in Mandate Palestine. A book review.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? In the Presence of Mahmoud Shukair

We pay a visit to a master storyteller in his lifelong Jerusalem home.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? Lessons of Our Elders: What They Lost When They Lost Jerusalem

What do Jerusalemites who were forced to leave their homes in 1948 tell their descendants about the place they lost?

The West Side Story Born in Jerusalem, Born Palestinian: A Memoir

A Palestinian who remained in West Jerusalem in 1948 recalls life there before and after the war. A book review.

What Is Jerusalem? A Fascinating Biography of Jerusalem Tracing Its Evolution into a Global City

This scholarly yet accessible biography describes Jerusalem’s rise to an eternal symbol for the three Abrahamic religions. A book review.

Who Are the Palestinians of Jerusalem? A City in Distress: East Jerusalem Noir

Palestinian authors describe Jerusalemites and their struggles to navigate their daily lives despite crushing Israeli colonial practices. A book review.